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Judul PAN politician Teguh Juwarno denies knowledge of e-KTP project
Tanggal 14 Desember 2016
Surat Kabar Jakarta Post
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AKD - Komisi II
- Mahkamah Kehormatan Dewan
Isi Artikel Member of the House of Representatives from the National Manadate Paty (PAN) Teguh Juwarno has told the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) that he knew nothing about an electronic identification card (e-KTP) procurement project worth Rp 5.9 trillion (US$453). Teguh who was deputy chairman of House commission II on domestic governance, regional autonomy, state apparatuses and agrarian issues in 2011-2012 when the e-KTP project was deliberated, acknowledged that two meetings on the project had taken place. “I did not attend the meeting. So I did not know about the project,” Teguh said after his questioning with the KPK on Wednesday as reported by He claimed that, as the commission deputy chairman, he had just handled agrarian aspects of the project. Earlier KPK spokesman Febri said the questioning was aimed to trace the flow of Rp 2.3 trillion, which was considered to be the amount of state losses caused by the alleged corruption. The KPK earlier questioned House speaker Setya Novanto as a witness related to the case. So far the antigraft body has named two suspects in the case: the Home Ministry’s former director general for population and civil registration, Irman, and the former population administration information management director for the directorate general, Sugiharto. (jun)  
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